Idiot Savant Online

John Lichman's third attempt at a personal blog and online savanting idiotic.

Posts Tagged ‘Robert Rodriguez

It Came From My Archives…How To Correspond With Robert Rodriguez’ Publicist

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I’ve recently decided to get all my old clips together as I suffered the loss of all my old posts on the original Spout Blog. These are reposts of the original posts on my personal blog so there’ll be a properly formatted version. I’m also a huge fan of attacking poorly designed interviews. From the Current_Movies Blog.

Hot on the word that Robert Rodriguez managed to turn an important press event into his important press event, the close-knit cats at Aint It Cool managed to get some neatly scripted PR responses from the Hard R director that funds his CGI-galas off goofy kids’ movies.

So let’s get into the tough questions! Maybe he’ll elaborate more on Rodgriguez’ next film, Nervewracker? Or maybe Rodriguez will explain why he’s doing The Jetsons? Or…

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Written by john lichman

September 1, 2010 at 7:25 pm